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Our primary goal: To assist the technical author

PolyTechnic SoftWare Associates primary effort has been the development of an EquationWriter Application with a focus toward the technical writer's need to render their work into virtual form. The EquationWriter uses a special scripting language, similiar to XML, but greatly simplified. The EquationWriter contains an interactive equation formatting ability that automatically converts equations written in the basic language syntax into the conventional form found in technical books. It also has a compiling routine to numerically evaluate equations. With this unique feature the EquationWriter can parametrically control vector diagrams and permit user interactivity with the mathematics. Add a numeric and string random generator to this combination and random quizzes and associated diagrams become possible.

If you are providing or have thought about providing your students with additional technical information, and have attempted to use the internet, then you understand the limitations of HTML. If you have or are using the equation writing portion of MS word, the xmath component of XML, or LaTex, we congradulate you on your persistence. Our new EquationWriter replaces the normal word processor and is used to both create and display your writings. The special features built into the EquationWriter are specifically designed for technical writing. Equation writing with computational capability, variable definitions, current variable values and units which are globally stored avoid the repetitive nature of both xmath and LaTex. Write the equation in the basic language syntax once and it appears whereever you want in conventional math form with all variables dynamically defined as the mouse cursor is passed throughout the equation. Vector drawing script commands inherent to the EquationWriter assist in creating and dynamically changing diagrams. Random problems and graded random quizzes may be created. Linking these concepts and combining the normal link and popup logic of a browser provides a new and unique environment for virtual writing.

Write a single page, or an entire text.

An entire text on the topic of Strength of Materials was developed by PSA and tested in the classroom for four years. The success of this effort prompted the continued development from that client bases application usable only on PC's to the now server based application written in PHP, stored in the cloud, and viewable on any device connected to the internet.

If you are a want-to-be author on a technical topic and believe as we do that the virtual technical text is in the near future, then contact us and become involved with this new technology.